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One HONK Before Midnight

 Author: Jack Dixon  Category: animals, geese  Publisher: The Pocket Workshop  Game System: H.O.N.K. System More Details

A new world. A new system. A new HONK.

In an age before mankind, the world thrived in peace and tranquillity. Life flourished until humans arrived, disrupting the delicate balance of nature. Curse those pesky humans! You are part of an elite gaggle of geese, determined to usher in The HONK-pocalypse and reestablish an era dominated by geese. But those evil humans are determined not to make it easy for you. Looks like you’ve got a fight on your hands–erm, on your wings!

One HONK Before Midnight is a new adventure, set in the idyllic town of Stafford-On-Gander. It’s built in its very own system – the H.O.N.K. system – perfectly suited to the brand of chaos that only a true goose can invoke.
