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Honor and Intrigue

 Author: Chris Rutkowsky  Category: action, adventure, fantasy, swashbuckling  Publisher: Basic Action Games  Game System: Barbarians of Lemuria More Details

Honor + Intrigue is a new, standalone game from Basic Action Games. Inspired as much by Hollywood as by history, Honor + Intrigue pays homage to the swashbucklers of the silver screen as well as great works such as those of Dumas and Sabatini. Game Masters should feel free to use history as a source of inspiration, not a restriction. True to its inspiration, Honor + Intrigue plays fast and cinematic, leaving the focus on drama and action unfolding.  Read more about the game below.

What is Honor + Intrigue?

The game engine is based on Simon Washbourne’s acclaimed”Barbarians of Lemuria” rpg, and also contains a number of new features as well, designed for the swashbuckling theme.

17th Century Adventure

Welcome to the Age of the Baroque.  It is a time when daring highwaymen ply the coach-roads, musketeers protect the king, and buccaneers cross swords on the high-seas. While the game assumes a 17th century setting, there is also advice to play it in any age from that of Elizabeth to Bonaparte, or even to make a completely fictional setting.  

Swashbuckling Action

It is a dangerous and cruel world, but fortunately there are men and women who laugh in the face of danger and fight injustice. They swing into action on chandeliers, and meet their foes with flashing steel and a sharp tongue. The action in Honor + Intrigue should be as high-flying as any swashbuckling movie. Yes, you can swing from a tapestry, crash through the window, lunge at your enemy, and parry his attack all in a single turn!


Among the tangled webs of intrigue, friends can become bitter rivals, enemies can become allies, and lovers can betray you to your death. Rival nobles who smile cordially at one another at court plot against one another in secret, and often, heroes are caught in the middle. 

Other Features of the game include:

The power of Fortune to overcome overwhelming odds, and a system that rewards players for taking swift action.  After all, Fortune favors the bold…

Fencing rules that emphasize using maneuvers and pressing advantage over your opponent– you don’t simply take turns hitting each other.  There are also 9 Dueling Schools, each with their own unique style.

Character’s  back-stories are created as a part of making the Hero, so every hero has depth.

A Gazetteer containing a brief history of the swashbuckling world, as well as a number of secret societies and powerful groups that can be joined by the heroes, or their enemies…

An optional section covering Mysteries, Horrors, & Wonders, allowing the GM to incorporate alchemy, sorcery, and clockwork-punk mad science into the game.  A number of monsters from ghost pirates and faeries to legendary creatures such as the Beast of GĂ©vaudan and the Kraken are also detailed.

Simple dice mechanics and character creation– so you can dive right into the 17th century action and swing from the chandelier.
