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 Author: Shane Lacy Hensley  Category: demons, gunslingers, martial arts, post-apocalypse, vampires, werewolves, western, zombies  Publisher: Pinnacle Entertainment Group  Game System: Deadlands More Details

 “The Year is 1876, but the history is not our own…”

It’s now 1884 in the official timeline. The Civil War ended in 1871 at the Battle of Washington, an epic conflagration of steam and steel. The Great Rail Wars are over as well, finishing not with a whimper but the bang of  Dr. Darius Hellstromme’s ghostfire bombs at the gates of Lost Angels.

Even the Servitors, the Reckoners’ chosen champions on Earth, have been defeated—at least for a while. Reverend Grimme vanished in a massive floodthat destroyed his city, Raven’s Last Sons were defeated by the Great Summoning, Stonewas foiled in the barren expanse of Death Valley, and Dr. Hellstromme’s latest scheme to open the gates of Hell proved fruitless.

In response, the Reckoners have turned their blasphemous gaze back to the grassroots of evil. They’ve given life to dark desires and horrible abominations that live in the shadows of the isolated frontier, far away from the attention garnered by the overt plans of their Servitors.

The heroes of the Weird West join with the secretive Twilight Legion in the distant outposts, chaotic boomtowns, and lonely settlements of the West to fight evil and quell the fear that gives the Reckoners their power.

So gather your posse of heroes and hit the trail, from the frozen north to the arid deserts of the Southwest, from the industrial East to the fractured canyons of California’s “Great Maze.” 

The Weird West awaits with adventure, mystery, and more monsters than you can shake a Peacemaker at.
